Author Topic: [PSA] Font Exploit  (Read 7481 times)

damn ur catching on quick... my master plan has been foiled!

From what we've seen so far, there is no fix to this exploit. So in the meantime, wouldn't it be mutually beneficial to find out where all the spam came from? I was giving some examples on how that sort of spam can happen accidentally for the sake of finding out what servers might have this issue, but you're essentially shutting me down every time.

The spam can be narrowed down to several options, most of which are likely center print loops. That already brings a ton of clarity to where this issue might originate. A sane person would probably check out a few servers that have looping print messages, such as zapt, tournaments, slayer. However the worst thing you can do is go 'there's no possible way this is accidental. you're trolling'

Given how often your posts devolve into nonsense phant I don't blame it at all for thinking you're trolling. It's probably the better default stance to take on your posts.

It's pretty easy to distinguish when someone is being serious vs when someone is loving around

It's much easier to just assume that you're trolling and not take you seriously at all

unfortunately its also not fixable since torque has some weird problems if you dont have a blank font file for any fonts the game tries to display to a client. Rotondo ran into this problem for his Forgettable Dungeon game and came to the same fix - generate/create a .gft file for every font used in the game just in case the client doesnt have that font installed, else the game will instantly crash.

Of course it is fixable. Find the code that crashes on a missing font and fix it. All depends on how much time you're willing to invest.

Of course it is fixable. Find the code that crashes on a missing font and fix it. All depends on how much time you're willing to invest.
ok well true

for forgettable dungeon its not necessary as there isnt any such thing as events that allow you to send text to client that doesnt fit a certain font, so theres no payoff to fixing the bug.

for bl iirc baddy just couldnt figure it out or something and just gave up and generated a file every time so chalk it up to him as usual i guess

I thought .gft file creation was default torque functionality