Author Topic: The Wilfred Laurier University stuffshow  (Read 858 times)

Here's a rundown:
Lindsay Sheperd, a TA at Wilfred Laurier University in Ontario, CA, played a video of Jordan Peterson during a class on gendered pronouns as a way of encouraging debate. Not soon after, she was brought in front of a panel of teachers and officials for the "incident". The link is the leaked audio of the meeting, which Sheperd secretly taped.

Here are some of the highlights:
  • The panel chastised Sheperd for not evaluating Peterson "critically"
  • Citing the recently passed C-16 and the Canadian Human Rights Code, Sheperd was accused of "causing harm to trans students" in showing them the video
  • Several false accusations and faulty comparisons against Peterson were made by the panel, including but not limited to Peterson participating in "targeted behavior" (private investigating) of trans students, being inextricably linked to the alt-right and right-wing news company Rebel Media, and literal actual spoken-out-of-mouth comparisons to Adolf Riddler
  • Richard Spencer was mentioned several times, despite having no connection to the topic at hand
  • The panel dismissed Peterson's opinions by stating he was not peer-reviewed, despite Peterson's 128 publications and 8,902 citations, and also dismissed evolutionary psychology as an "invalid" field with "no academic backing"
  • Panelists made clear that the video was "inappropriate for the age group", alleging that they were "young adults" who were incapable of thinking critically (the class was full of 18-yr-olds)
  • Sheperd was driven to tears during the meeting, stating that she was impartial and objective throughout the whole meeting, which one of the panelists identified as the problem
  • Sheperd revealed during the meeting that she did not agree with Peterson (O O P S)
  • The meeting ended with the assertion that the panel would closely monitor Sheperd's activities from now on

If I can get a full transcript of the meeting, that'd be great to post

loving /discuss
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 02:46:14 AM by Tactical Nuke »

Can we just please throw all SJWs into the hood please. Let gangbangers and people who actually live real life to give them their own taste of real life? These college liberals up on their self-righteous high horses in their ivory towers are so deluded.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 02:57:46 AM by Planr »

i agree that's stuffty but once again do you not get tired being outraged over every dumb little thing

nothing in his post screams outrage

yeah he just wrote that all out for a laugh

yeah he just wrote that all out for a laugh

i guess any time someone puts effort into a post they're just really pissed off

yea that's what I said

i agree that's stuffty but once again do you not get tired being outraged over every dumb little thing

God you are such a big lipped dingus

Not surprising. Academia is controlled by the liberals and their ideologies. No form of intelligent debate is safe under today's education system- only liberal opinions are allowed. Pretty soon holding opinions will get you suspended. In fact it has already happened Orange-signs-suspended-following-confrontation/421136762
« Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 05:41:20 PM by thegoodperry »