Author Topic: Mouse Problem with Camera Movement  (Read 1919 times)

My mouse works fine in all the menus, but in game when I move my mouse slowly, my camera movement clogs up and stops sometimes. Any other game works flawlessly. Any help would be appreciated. <3

hmm, never heard this before. Maybe something with your Blockland? if it never does it any other time except in Blockland, it's most likely Blockland, maybe a mod you're using? have you tried playing it on freebuild or with no mods and it still does it? if so it might be a graphics issue.

also what are you playing blockland with, Mac windows or linux?

This happens to me as well, mostly when I am moving my mouse slowly. It 'catches' randomly. I barely have any add-ons that could possibly conflict with something, as I usually keep my game mostly default. I've tested this on multiple servers with the same results.

Running Windows 10.

This happens to me as well, mostly when I am moving my mouse slowly. It 'catches' randomly. I barely have any add-ons that could possibly conflict with something, as I usually keep my game mostly default. I've tested this on multiple servers with the same results.

Running Windows 10.
NoEdit note:
This issue was seen across three different mice. So the problem isn't with a particular mouse.

this happened to me while playing from a laptop, disabling the trackpad and using a wired mouse fixed it

I have this problem myself. Right click on you Blockland.exe>Properties>Compatibility>Compatibility mode to Windows 8

If this doesnt help then your SOL

I had this problem myself. Right click on you Blockland.exe>Properties>Compatibility>Compatibility mode to Windows 8

If this doesnt help then your SOL

Try overriding the DPI settings. Right click on your Blockland.exe, then click Properties, then on the Compatibility tab. Look  for the option that says override high DPI settings and turn that on