
What kind of mockumentary might be neat?

Man finds a magic marker that's actually magic
4 (23.5%)
Dude finds a magic book of some kind
0 (0%)
Bro's roommate at college is hiding some spooky secrets
4 (23.5%)
Guy finds a magic flashlight that reveals things as they will be in the future
8 (47.1%)
Other (write in dem comments)
1 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 17

Author Topic: I have to make a short Film, HELP ME DECIDE!  (Read 738 times)

Senior year of college as a film major. My final "capstone" project is to make some kind of short film 10-15 minutes in length.

I plan to do some variety of mockumentary (no, not like the office - more like Zileg or an actual investigative documentary)
but I don't know what topic I want to pursue. Got lots of ideas that could be fun, but who knows.

So yeah, you should vote on one of the idea above or write a suggestion in the comments.

If you want an idea of what kind of stuff I can/have done - look over yonder (this is a friend's channel, not mine.)

do a mockumentary over a shamwow

Do the future idea and make it take place 500 million - a billion years into the future on a dying Earth with strange life.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2017, 06:08:30 PM by MoleManFromMiddleMars »

i feel like the spooky secrets idea would be good if you gave it a lot of deadpan comedy
like he's showing all the typical signs of being a zombie or something like that and the dude questions his roommate about it but he keeps finding excuses to get his way out of it

"why are there dead bodies in your half of the apartment all the time?"
"oh dude didnt i tell you im a biology major"
"yeah but im pretty sure i saw you eating them once"
"i was hungry man, you said you would go to mcdonalds and you forgot to get me anything"
"you're eating them right now dude, and is that your jaw on the floor?"
"hey forget you dude dont change the topic here"
cue a big argument about mcdonalds as the roommate is currently eating a dead body
next shot is the dude who is the focus of the documentary standing outside of the dorm room with the door shut behind him, arms crossed
"man forget that guy, what an starfish"
"we probably wont be shooting here for a while, he always gets like this"

a magic book like the death note but instead it just mildly inconveniences someone or stubs their toe rather like bad luck

the magic marker that makes drawings become real; used for pranks like drawing mustaches on somebody while they're sleeping that become real mustaches

the protaganist or documentaryist keeps investigating the belongings and room of the roommate while they're away including photos and personal belongings on some suspicion of something or other; the roommate is never seen in the video, plot twist is that they're dead or they've never existed or that they've always been in his head or something

a magic book that talks and tries to entice readers into committing crimes or completing some ritual or some sort of gimmicky horror cliche like that only its taken very casually and not treating the book really seriously

i'm a fan of mixing casual comedy and casual horror

i feel like the spooky secrets idea would be good if you gave it a lot of deadpan comedy
like he's showing all the typical signs of being a zombie or something like that and the dude questions his roommate about it but he keeps finding excuses to get his way out of it

"why are there dead bodies in your half of the apartment all the time?"
"oh dude didnt i tell you im a biology major"
"yeah but im pretty sure i saw you eating them once"
"i was hungry man, you said you would go to mcdonalds and you forgot to get me anything"
"you're eating them right now dude, and is that your jaw on the floor?"
"hey forget you dude dont change the topic here"
cue a big argument about mcdonalds as the roommate is currently eating a dead body
next shot is the dude who is the focus of the documentary standing outside of the dorm room with the door shut behind him, arms crossed
"man forget that guy, what an starfish"
"we probably wont be shooting here for a while, he always gets like this"

this exactly