Author Topic: Going to join a guitar class on Monday, advice?  (Read 1810 times)

Hold up so you don't know stuff about guitar but you agreed (or possibly volunteered) to teach a guitar class?
I assume start means start taking

just get lighter gauged strings, its better in the Long Run

the strings you should use depends on a lot of things like your guitars scale length, tuning and your finger strength. you should really experiment and find something that is comfortable and practical for the kind of player you are.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 03:34:27 PM by SUSHI »

Hold up so you don't know stuff about guitar but you agreed (or possibly volunteered) to teach a guitar class?
no I am participating in one genius

Is this electric or acoustic? If any have fun and don't be discouraged by the pain or lack of dexterity and precision.

Is this electric or acoustic? If any have fun and don't be discouraged by the pain or lack of dexterity and precision.
Not sure, all I know is that the requirements to join are staying on pace, having a camera, and have a 6 string guitar

work on developing calluses

work on developing calluses
I already have 2 on my big toes LOL TROLLED

Acoustic or electric? Either way your fingers are going to be in pain for the first few weeks.

it's probably acoustic

I already have 2 on my big toes LOL TROLLED
Follow up advice: learn to play with your feet?

acoustic is the harder one to start because the strings are usually harder to bend

if you want to get ahead right now you're going to practice those loving bar chords
also keep your thumb above or behind the neck at all times
preferably above

pro tip: get rocksmith 2014 on PC

pro tip: get rocksmith 2014 on PC

this. you can pretty much play any song you want to on it.