Author Topic: im trying to prank my brother into thinking im fascist, and i need your help.  (Read 818 times)

forget i blew it

but its not over

me and my brother are trying to do it on sombody else

forget i blew it

but its not over

me and my brother are trying to do it on sombody else

Just hop on twitter and have a different opinion. instant fascist.

if you really want to convince your brother you are fascist, just go on a rant about how jewish people are ruining america, or how Riddler/Blue Meanie had the rights ideas and the rest should just fall in place

I hope it's not contagious

watch rick and morty all day long

Get owned online constantly

also gain weight and grow body hair

comment on how Jews run everything and then get into their face and whisper"14/88, gas the kikes, race war now"
