Author Topic: how the heck do i remove my primary tumblr blog?  (Read 605 times)

my primary blog is some dumb personal vent thing i never use, my second is my art blog i put all my time in
how the heck do i change this
i googled and everyone is telling me you literally cant, but i cant believe design like that
there has to be a way right?

i just swapped my old blog to a theme that says i've moved
then i just made my other blog a primary

i don't really use tumblr anymore so i don't know how tf you're supposed to do it nowadays but that's what i did

you can delete your primary blog and it'll make your secondary your new primary iirc

you can delete your primary blog and it'll make your secondary your new primary iirc
if u delete ur primary u delete ur entire account

if u delete ur primary u delete ur entire account
i thought that was the only way to do it

fix: dont have a tumblr blog at all