Author Topic: the master server is being spammed again  (Read 6443 times)

[im g][/img]
when worlds collide

lol hes joining servers and spamming it now
is he really that lonely
someones gonna get a ip ban

this dude never hear about image hosting or what

wtf is wrong with this dude

ok real talk what the forget is pageloss
its how the alt right organizes discord raids. watch out

you think it could be the same guy that assforgeted the forums yesterday?

ok real talk what the forget is pageloss
when a new page starts and someone wants to make sure that something that's from the last page gets on this one, they post it again so that people don't miss it.

its how the alt right organizes discord raids. watch out
oh stuff time to turn raid mode back on

that research is awful it looks like realistic lisa simpson carrying a dog toy