Author Topic: deadlemix  (Read 3502 times)

Gyt hates everything he makes, apparently
nah i think he's just jaded at the current situation of gamemodes

one of the reason's they're fun is because they're popular, but if it gets released then there'll be a bunch of servers with none of them reaching the same number of players as the original server

that and i guess he just doesn't like random weapon dms at all

also rescue the princess got kinda tedious last time kobble hosted it with more than 2 players

Gyt hates everything he makes, apparently
and everything everyone else makes   :iceCream:

but battlemix doesnt give people the bow
that may be true. it just gives people the chain sword, cactus sword, and throwing knife
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 03:21:41 PM by CharlesSpeaking »

nah i think he's just jaded at the current situation of gamemodes

one of the reason's they're fun is because they're popular, but if it gets released then there'll be a bunch of servers with none of them reaching the same number of players as the original server

that and i guess he just doesn't like random weapon dms at all

also rescue the princess got kinda tedious last time kobble hosted it with more than 2 players
no he literally complains 24/7 about everything he makes. It's either "gotta work all week to add this minor feature" or "I'm too lazy to finish this gamemode bye"

Probably because people hold him up to such a high standard of gamemode production and it ends up consuming his life like the white race consumes all original culture

no he literally complains 24/7 about everything he makes. It's either "gotta work all week to add this minor feature" or "I'm too lazy to finish this gamemode bye"
holy stuff you don't even know me if this is what you think i act like 24/7

holy stuff you don't even know me if this is what you think i act like 24/7
every time I pop in once a month you're either talking about politics, problem users, or how exhausted you are from coding pretendermixaments ctf. I don't know what goes on deep in the executive branch of scenery Inc but I know 90% of it never leaves the prototype stage

so is it gone for good again :(
also, this server is probably the only server i've seen gr8dayseth on

every time I pop in once a month you're either talking about politics, problem users, or how exhausted you are from coding pretendermixaments ctf
hey gyt's going through his monthly menstruation cut him some slack

ot : will i be able to play the new tournaments?

every time I pop in once a month you're either talking about politics, problem users, or how exhausted you are from coding pretendermixaments ctf.
holy stuff every time you pop in i'm busy working on something and you start talking a whole load of bullstuff which everyone else in the server starts talking about which then distracts me

at least I'm not faraday

holy stuff your right
its time you were self aware that YOU are the PROBLEM................

at least I'm not faraday
no but you are taboo

also, this server is probably the only server i've seen gr8dayseth on
ya i'm not terribly active in-game anymore lol but i do pop in every once in a while