Author Topic: [Serious]A Rain Slick Precipice of Neo-noir  (Read 1224 times)

So, I used to write quite a bit back in the day, but I fell out of the habit and want to get back into it. I put a Serious up in the title in effort to curb some of the more whimsical and fun stuff. If it doesn't go over well I'll either lock this or ask Badspot to move it over to creativity.

With all that said, thanks for any involvement or critique.

 The walls were stained with cigarette smoke. If you looked hard enough butts could be found underneath the dirty couch tucked in the back of an adjacent room. The apartment had the same smell as the rest of the city; a musty, washed out gutter that people called home.

 The sprawl of Decadence was dying. The only people left here were those that couldn't afford to leave. Even the upper blocks, hold outs of the old wealth, had wasted with the city. Once a New Babel for all peoples, the city had splintered with the prejudices of old. Racial divides turned open gang warfare on the lower habs.

 The man in front of me was a slum lord. Ten or twenty mid level hab floors had left him fat. Corrupt. Complacent. The girls from the habs hadn't mattered. A few missing bodies here and there was exactly what the enforcers turned a blind eye too with the right amount of bribery. The drugs hadn't mattered. The city was riddled with them. Vices controlled those who could afford them. The pair of upper block kids he'd whacked when they hadn't paid their tab. Those two had mattered to someone just enough to cover the dues listed on my front door.

 He shouted something. His split flecked the dry-rot table between us. A thick hand, calloused and spotted, smacked the obstruction out of the way as he stood. Whatever discussion I had feigned interested was about to end in a violent fashion.

The gun or the fist?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 08:20:32 PM by Corderlain »

 A gun is an interesting thing. Compact. Light. Not the sort of thing you would think could end a man's life. The bullet smashed through his brow ridge. A nearly perfect hole; the head snapping backwards lightly from the force. An entire being was there. Now he was all over the wall. Someone had raised him. Fed him. Someone had done for the same for his enforcer. He was just as dead as the first.

 Meat. A pound and a half of flesh. All people amount to these days. The contract has asked for this. The slumlord had really brought it upon himself. Taking more than what he should have. Grabbing at pretty things when everyone knew that wasn't his lot. The bounty was more than enough. Triple the annual salary of a labor worker from the lower habs.

 More valuable to me was the satisfaction. The best way to stop cancer was to cut it out piece by piece. This city was a cancer. The people that inhabited it were the same. Some could only manage to put a foot in front of the other. Eyes down, content to not see the stuff they waded through. The left overs. They were takers. Abusers. Pressing down on those below. Crushing the life out of what they could. These were the kinds that kept me employed.

 There was always a job opening for someone with a gun and the know how on when and where to use it. Force was a way of life. One that I was comfortable with. The man would never get his daughter back, but for a month I could live like a king.

Now I only had to figure out what to do.

Open ended. Checking back later tonight. Best suggestion wins.

the fist because you can do much more than punch people (oWo)

Go down to the nearest dive bar and order yourself a drink.

Go down to the nearest dive bar and order yourself a drink.
Dive into the dive bar and order a dirty martini

bump. Im actualy interested if OP will keep this serious or if it will evolve into the main character becoming a public masturbator. Im more interested for the serious part