Author Topic: IDENTIFICATION EVENTS?  (Read 1547 times)

Are there any events that allow something to identify someone?
If you do, let's say, OnActivate\Client\CenterPrint\Hi there, %1, Then it'll make the message say the activator's name.

But is there a way for something (or is there a mod for it) where if, let's say you want a door. You could click the door, and it'd check the activator for their BLID. If they don't have the correct BLID, then the door won't open for them.

For example: A blockhead's BLID is 12345

A player with the BLID 246810 could click on the blockhead's door. The door checks the player's BLID. If it's not 12345, then the door won't open.

This could be useful for eye-scanners or something. Is it possible?

more specifically something like
onactivate>self>vce_retrocheck>if blid>______

Need some help. Wanting to make a bot so that when you click him he talks to you, but if it's me he's talking to, he'll say something else.

Onbotactivated > self > vceretrocheck > ifplayerid = yourid
onvariabletrue > client > chatmsg > stuff for you
onvariablefalse > client > chatmsg > stuff for everyone else

remember to put "1 2" in the box to the right of the name

remember to put "1 2" in the box to the right of the name
Not needed.

Or you could just get my door events:

Check the BLID, then open the brick named door

How does one make it so more people can access my door?

Like, if I want another specific BLID to be able to access it along with me.