Author Topic: What's some good stuff you've found at a local thrift store  (Read 1537 times)

this thread makes me want to go to a thrift store but I know I'll end up buying nothing since I'm really picky with my purchases

About five years ago I found a cartridge of photo slides which were taken fifty years prior. Some of them were labeled with the names of various European countries, and based on the people in some of the photos it looked like they were taken by a family while on vacation. How they could afford to travel around Europe like that, I'll never know. Someone in that family must have died and their descendants decided to get rid of the photos because they had no attachment to them, because I don't know how else they would have wound up in that thrift store. The big takeaway here is that sentimentality dies with you, I guess. #realprofoundhours

I scanned them all and uploaded all the interesting ones to my seldom-used tumblr here. Most of the uninteresting ones were too blurry to see anything, so you're not missing out on anything.

That's really cool.

We've seen stuff like that at the thrift store however we never knew what to do with them.

I'd be interested in a site that collected pics like that, probably a lot of legal troubles in it though sadly.