Author Topic: What do you look for in discords¿  (Read 1927 times)

I don't want you in any of my discords anyways, family man.


making sure it has nothing to do with blockland

Actually a pretty good quality to go by. Other than that;

Productive people
Creative outlets
Good mods/admins
Recurring nice people
People who are good at holding conversation

Toxic people (a fairly large category which encompasses a lot of people. You know, like bloated ego or people who spew political jargon all day etc)
Most people under 16
Pointlessly large or over sized
"Rank" systems implemented by a bot
Bad administration

Just generally obvious traits to follow, good servers can be hard to find and sometimes I just don't click with the people anyways, but they're 100% out there. Even if you're to hang out in a less than optimal server for awhile you can meet some nice people and then move or make another server to go to with them or spend more time there. It's happened to me a couple times and it's quite nice to find more like minded people that way on discord.

stop saying toxic

People that poison surrounding personalities/attitude from being highly undesirable, unreasonable, angsty, and entitled ***

I use it because it actually fits well in the sense it makes a place less than desirable to be if you're constantly being exposed to that

oh people who share some of the work they do or stuff they like are pretty cool too, lots of good conversation to be had
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 03:21:33 PM by Badger »

I can make the server based off of a gmod server I currently own and rotate around gamemodes
queeba's discord used the server approach and im probably gonna try it too

oh yeah an original idea is also something great

if the discord has let the OP in, it's probably not that good