Author Topic: The Minute Hour  (Read 365 times)

hey forgeter, do you love absurdist comedy? do you love radio play-esque skits? do you love occasional musical numbers? huh? is that what you love, you bastard? you absolute motherforget? you colossal loving stuffstain on society? is that it? huh? what? what was that? sorry my ears aren't what they used to be. but if that is indeed the case then well have i got just the thing to sate your particular multi-faceted appetite for free (yes we both know you're a cheapskate don't you dare try to deny it) entertainment:
all of what was just previously described AND MORE!* comedy that is absurd! skits that resemble the radio plays of yore! musical numbers that are indeed occasional! all available for free!
here, have a taste! open your mouth. i said open your loving mouth. go on, say "ahh!" no, not like that. stop screaming, you're causing a scene.
The Federal Sports Protection Commission
Vote BimStar!
That's A Nice Grill
A Human Crush
The Hero of the Diner
wasn't that great? wasn't that grand? yes it was, don't pretend otherwise; your quality of life has improved tenfold since you stumbled upon the contents of this post.
*not really but i wanted to ad "and more!" because it sounded cool. don't tell me you actually believed it, did you dipstuff?