Author Topic: Fat acceptance  (Read 2473 times)

fat acceptance is alright but health at every size is complete and total loving bullstuff

being ok with being fat is fine but don't you dare say you're healthy

it's all wrong

Don't act like your name hasn't already been turned to swiss cheese.
For forgets sake, it had so many gaping holes Badspot stuck another d into it.
Quit adding to your post history.

Don't act like your name hasn't already been turned to swiss cheese.
For forgets sake, it had so many gaping holes Badspot stuck another d into it.

being ok with being fat is fine but don't you dare say you're healthy

it's all wrong
More or less this. I don't agree with stigmatizing fat people though - unless they're the type who are spreading this 'healthy at every weight' bs.

Fat acceptance, more like fat chance!

Fat acceptance, more like fat chance!
Ha ha !  Nice one Debra !

I'm all for promoting healthier lifestyles and shaming anything that tries to establish a healthy obesity narrative, but some folk get pissed off at the sight of fat people to the point of lobbing personal attacks their way. Doing this isn't going to change what you see.

Being fat slows down the heat death of the universe

I'm all for promoting healthier lifestyles and shaming anything that tries to establish a healthy obesity narrative, but some folk get pissed off at the sight of fat people to the point of lobbing personal attacks their way. Doing this isn't going to change what you see.

Being fat slows down the heat death of the universe
all biological processes increase universal entropy though. being dead slows down the heat death faster than anything

all biological processes increase universal entropy though. being dead slows down the heat death faster than anything
yeah and obesity makes you dead faster