
do you think bb guns make kids violent

yes, it definitely does
yes, but i think only to a certain extent
im not sure/neutral
no, but i do think it is possible
no, bb guns and violence in kids are not related

Author Topic: do you think airsoft/bb guns make kids violent  (Read 1349 times)

It depends on how the kid was raised. If the parents consistently yelled and fought or the parents didn't teach proper gun safety and what the real things are properly used for then it leaves the potential for the child to POSSIBLY relate guns to positive violence and a way to resolve problems.

if you possess a tool that launches projectiles you Will Become A Flash Mober

if you possess a tool that launches projectiles you Will Become A Flash Mober
(makes snake joke)

my wiener shoots pee so...

i shoot poop out of my back door so...