Author Topic: BLF drinking game  (Read 1717 times)

Play while surfing the forums, do not repeat drink if you visit a page more than once (unless new posts appeared).

  • when an off-topic argument breaks out in a thread.
  • for every "not funny"/"big brain post"/"no u"-style no-effort dismissal you see
  • for every meme reaction pic
  • before you enter the Drama board, just to get yourself in the right state of mind
  • when you see a troll post in Creativity, a troll topic in Gallery or a joke addon in Add-ons
  • when there's a topic for a server you really want to play on but it's in development/offline
  • if someone mentions you by name in a thread you had nothing to do with (quotes don't count)
  • when people quote the same post 3+ times in a row
  • when people post the same post 3+ times in a row
  • when you enter a thread and it's not what you expect at all
  • when you see a new thread about Lord Tony

Down your glass...
  • if you see someone get banned
  • if you see Badspot post outside of development and the pinned topics
  • if you see a thread with a full page of actual helpful replies, positive attitudes and constructive criticism

Post suggestions below and I'll add them to OP
« Last Edit: June 28, 2018, 06:38:58 PM by Pompmaker2 »

Oh well, liver transplants are free where I live anyways

Oh well, liver transplants are free where I live anyways

He didn't say what to drink!

Wait, lemme get a jug of water for this...

i dont wanna drink im too lazy can i eat

im too lazy to drink can i breathe instead

I'll do this tonight.

Suggestion :

Drink every time a person tries to further their religious or political beliefs.