Author Topic: Vce ---> getting variables from a brick. *Solved*  (Read 595 times)

So I guess this topic wouldn't go into modification help, since it's not a script, but more of a general question.

Before we even get started, I know VCE is bugged and some things you just cant do, but I think it's possible I just need another method from you guys.

So I've been trying to add variables into a brick to make it like some sort of storage container to gather like materials (Let's call this brick *Storage*). I've been trying to use another brick (Let's call this brick *Output*) to get the materials out of the Storage brick, but it just doesn't work.

After many attempts I just don't think you can take stored variables from one brick and use those variables for another output.

Here's what I tried[]

*OnActivate>NamedBrick>Storage>Vce_ifVar(Materials) >= 1
*OnvariableFalse>client>Centerprint>Not enough materials

My goal was to end up making a cooperation system where instead of the person carrying the variable through the client or player, they would instead be using the so called
 *Stored Variable* in a certain brick

If anyone could help with any solutions or suggestion that would be great

Oh and if your gonna suggest scripting, sorry I'm not familiar with it I dont even know what do to once I put a function so that's out of the park.

Maybe any other similar events, or any other vce methods would be great. I've already been searching for many different ways on google and YouTube, but the best result I can find is Only storing player or client variables and directly inputting those. Like I said I can do that, but that's not what I'm trying to do if you read my post above.

Any help would be very greatly appreciated
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 02:26:30 PM by woof :3 »

Solved: forgot nb_