
Philanthropist Or A Misanthropist?

Philanthropist - I Promote The Welfare Of Others (Pro Human Race)
35 (83.3%)
Misanthropist - I Hate The Human Race As A Total (Anti Human Race)
7 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Are You A Philanthropist Or A Misanthropist?  (Read 4677 times)

'hating whites for no reason"; its not like the blacks were forced here or anything no they have no right to hate

but seriously ive never met a coloured person who hates white people because they can or even for an arbitrary reason (i.e. not trusting me because im white and/or educated); i havent met anyone who has met those people either. the main problem with these arguments is they attack a strawman which has been accumulating mold and dust from sitting in their brain for so long because most people making this argument are too scared to go out of their way to meet people (especially coloured people). The people that honestly might think they can hate you because you are white are as frequent as the opposing side.

edit: it is not fair to assume that the gays/rest of the lgbt community are wanting to be recognized as special; no one wants people to know about their private business like that (usually) and the people that do are no different from any other person wanting to feel noticed over literally anything else. you just blame the lgbts because it's the only label you can slap on hastily. if you think that people wanting to have equal rights is attention seeking, not only is that a pointless statement (all politics REQUIRE attention seeking to have any sort of push) but it also a gross disregard for the mentally disordered. It sounds bad to say that gay people are mentally disorderly, but it is true in a scientifically literal sense (having an actual opposition to re-population in general is a disorder)

ps there should be an in between choice of the poll (nihilistic or sociopathic whatever)

pps white nationalists come to my town on their own time to blatantly intimidate certain demographics. recently got manhandled by a dude with "white and proud" written near a totemkopf tattoo for calling the national socialists and confederates a lost cause. I didnt choose for them to come here and i was hoping i'd never have to tell anyone that because it should be obvious
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 04:23:15 PM by darkeningnight »