Author Topic: [Real News] 15 year old kid commits Self Delete over cartoon girls  (Read 3704 times)

DDLC Is not different from any other game. It's just an invisible .exe game that got allowed on the steam market.
I hope DDLC Rots in game-making hell.

good. one less weeb to deal with

Ever heard of Egotistical Altruism?

DDLC Is not different from any other game. It's just an invisible .exe game that got allowed on the steam market.
I hope DDLC Rots in game-making hell.

I know a game worse than what this games sounds like Cough Cough  Call of Jaurez: The Cartel
Cough Cough

I know a game worse than what this games sounds like Cough Cough  Call of Jaurez: The Cartel
Cough Cough
Hong Kong 97.

achievement get: 72 virgins acquired