Author Topic: [NEWS] Walmart is taking a direct shot at Amazon and making checkout lanes obsol  (Read 3686 times)

They spending gas to go to the store which is more expensive than shipping and handling sometimes.
have you ever shopped online for groceries?

the selection of items is SUPER limited and it's like 20x more expensive

I wish it was actually affordable

Exactly. That is my loving point.
If you go through the effort to go to a store in person, why would you use a smart device that ALSO has the ability to order those same things from your house?

Just stay home. Going to a physical store at all should be fazed out with this technology, not updated by it.
Because a physical store has a much better way of advertising things you didn't intend on getting. Strategically placed items that you have no choice of passing by when you're going to certain areas. And even the shelf the items are placed on. Things adults would be more interested in higher up, and things kids would be more interested in lower down. You can't do this online. Especially when people are using a search feature.
Then there's delivery fees. When it comes to pizza, you're lucky it's just usually a $3 charge. Most other places also give a % up charge, as well as a higher flat fee. This makes buying things in bulk a lot more expensive than paying to drive there yourself.
Then there's urgency. If you need something fast, the best way to do so is to get it yourself, rather than wait till someone has time to bring it to you.

I have a feeling physical stores will exist so long as the things you need that sell there only come in physical form.

The moment we can download food is the moment grocery stores will stop existing. I have a feeling that wont ever happen.

then when finished you go to a special self checkout area where you scan the scanner and you simply pay and leave, probably saves you a few minutes

I thought the idea was to bypass a checkout area and lines all-together...
So, it really changes nothing.


I have a feeling physical stores will exist so long as the things you need that sell there only come in physical form.

The moment we can download food is the moment grocery stores will stop existing. I have a feeling that wont ever happen.

I have no reason to believe that grocery stores will ever fully go away. They will always look for ways to bring customers into their stores for the reasons you mentioned. This whole ordeal sounds like an attempt to bring the people who buy into the "get our app" thing into their stores, and it makes total sense why they'd do it. It's marketing.
I just think it's the dumbest stuff that people would buy into it when it doesn't save time or offer convenience.

I thought the idea was to bypass a checkout area and lines all-together...
So, it really changes nothing.

yeah that implementation sounds godawful, you even have to pay a membership fee. amazons just auto charges your account i think, walmart needs to do the same if they want to achieve the same level of convenience

It's basically so they make sure they know what items are in your cart at all times.

They're really gonna have to consider universal income or something to keep up w/ all this technology

As much as I hate the creeping socialist nature of our government stuff like that is gonna be a necessity when low-wage workers are phased out in  favor of faster, more efficient and cheaper technology such as this.