Author Topic: Important question: how do blind people drive  (Read 1434 times)

due to their heightened senses they can detect the wavelength of visible light being shined on them, ie from a traffic light
when the light turns red they sense a change in wavelength and instinctively slam the brakes

you can still drive if you're not completely visually impaired, but if you're fully blind you obviously can't just wing it

if two blind people meet on a road do they joust

if two blind people meet on a road do they joust
all blind brothers share a hivemind so they constantly uplink information to each other thru their brain

if two blind people meet on a road do they joust

they just pull over and exchange personal information - much like bald people, blind people have a secret society

also i used to know this blind guy in highschool who told me secrets - blind people are less driving impaired than drunk people because of the northern star or some stuff like that

I always knew those blind brothers could navigate using the force of celestial bodies to guide them. How else do they know where the forget they going all the time? Like i seen blind brothers walk across the whole city using the shortest route possible like do they have GPS in their brain or some stuff? Real questionable. why can't us normal people get cool powers like that?