Author Topic: Tumblr is glorifying mental illness - The rant part III  (Read 1672 times)

My first two rants:

"DLC is getting ridiculous - the rant"
"Youtube drama is getting ridiculous - the rant part II

Tumblr is glorifying mental illness

This has to be stopped

Two of my previous rants are more related to things that I am interested in, video games and YouTube. This rant however is based on something more serious and something that I have no means of getting interested in.

The issue with tumblr
I have recently been absolutely flabbergasted from the absolute bullstuff I have been seeing on my Instagram as well as social media as a whole. I have come to the point were it is so shocking it leaves me so confused like working out a geometry question in mathematics, you know those atrocious questions that tell you to find x on some weird angle shape. This is basically how I feel right now. I am coming across many gifs and pictures, from mainly girls, spreading their mental illness like its good and its fine because you know people love taking in another person’s misery, right? Well loving no, tumblr (and Instagram sometimes) is absolutely glorifying mental illness like its something you should be proud of and it’s starting to get out of loving hand.

I just don’t understand why people waste their time online and act as edgy as they possibly can saying “My heart is already broken and no one else can break it” or other stuff like “Nothing can hurt me anymore” or “my emotions have gotten to me and I don’t care about life” I am absolutely sick of the people around me just looking at this stuff and crying about it. I know a girl that recently went through a break up and I know it’s awful cuz I’ve experienced a break up but she went on social media and liked stupid pictures like these:

She got so out of control, she sent me snaps of her knuckles in blood because she punched walls. I just don’t get this stuff, why do people (mainly girls) love to just spread this misery and act like it’s going to help? It just loving doesn’t help at all I mean why can’t they listen to a song that tells them to get better, you know like Tupac’s “keep ya head up” and have hope because that’s what I did when I was at my lowest points in life and it really helped a lot.

I never went around liking 10 pictures that display a message of self-loathing and making myself feel even more stuff. I just don’t get it, there are some people that are going to criticize what I say that we don’t know what some people are going through and I can only get that if the person that is depressed has had an awful upbringing, such as if they have problems at home with their family. But if you have a family that works their loving ass off and supports you to go to school and you have no issues at school, I have to say I really don’t understand what you’re doing.

There are so many people out there that don’t even want to talk to their friends or family about the matter and instead they go onto tumblr posting pictures of their self-harmed body and their black and white pictures of quotes saying “I’m fine” or stupid stuff, and I have seen this, “I’m happy 2 be sad”. They don’t want to talk to Self Delete prevention lines about this stuff and it just confuses me. I just want to know:

  • Why are they so depressed to this extent?
  • Why do they think spreading their misery will help them get through their troubles?
  • Why can’t they open up to their family about the issue?

I know a person who lost his father in 9/11, he has been depressed, and god bless this guy, but he has gotten through his depression, he never spread his depression to anyone in fact he would always try his best to be happy about life. He always wanted to play xbox 360 with me and my friends and he was always studying in school, studying his hardest. He is the example of a person that is blessed, he doesn’t spread his misery and he cares about the people around him.

Why can’t these people on tumblr get through this stuff? It’s loving sickening that this stuff they post influences younger people, and again mainly girls, to think like this. It just corrupts them as a whole and makes them even more insecure

Modern age aesthetics culture is forgeted up beyond belief

This part is tied into Tumblr’s glorifying of mental illness as it also plays a part of exploring a person’s thoughts. Now I don’t know about this culture all too much other than it being some sort of art form, but I have seen people go on about this culture to spread their negativity as a result. The picture above being a sort of example, you see these stupid people posting on Instagram their tight jeans and ass being flashed off in a mirror and sometimes they’ll talk about being “lonely” or the drugs they take. It is also worthy to note that these sort of people also appear to be obsessed with smoking cigarettes and cannabis

If you’re living in London like me, you’ll see these sorts of people in places like Shoreditch and other areas which are all urbanized. But then again these people also love sharing their loneliness and depression and I just don’t understand why they want to spread this misery.

If anyone reading this actually suffers from depression please do not go onto tumblr or any of these stupid loving sites and seek help immediately. Please, because otherwise you’re going to be stuck in these places just feeling even worse. I just don’t get this culture at all and it’s become so popular, it just has to be stopped. There is nothing good about it and I'm seeing friends around me just becoming worse and worse the more they view this stuff. It is not healthy, it is not something to be proud of, it is misery and negativity that should not be spread.

I'll make sure to ban tumblr from my server

Tumblr is a complete stuffvirus which injects itself into “toxic” communities (like SCP) and completely ruins it in the name of “tolerance”

Jesus Christ I wouldn’t be surprised if Tumblr found a way to infect here, too

teenage girls do this and have been doing this on every social media since the concept of social media first existed

they think... that transgenders are normal and not mental illness but GAMING is...

Tumblr is a complete stuffvirus which injects itself into “toxic” communities (like SCP) and completely ruins it in the name of “tolerance”

Jesus Christ I wouldn’t be surprised if Tumblr found a way to infect here, too

Badspot wouldn't stand for that. His tolerance for that stuff is less then zero.

"hahaha look at how trash i am haha i avoid acting like a functional human being i have self-diagnosed crippling depression haha : )."

I know a person who lost his father in 9/11, he has been depressed, and god bless this guy, but he has gotten through his depression, he never spread his depression to anyone in fact he would always try his best to be happy about life. He always wanted to play xbox 360 with me and my friends and he was always studying in school, studying his hardest. He is the example of a person that is blessed, he doesn’t spread his misery and he cares about the people around him.
i agree with what you're saying but it sounds like your friend had situational depression, which, while awful to experience, is non-permanent assuming it doesn't develop into clinical depression
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 12:53:22 AM by Satan From Wreck-It-Ralph »

well i mean youre obviously right, but id just let natural selection take its course

this thread is incredibly detached and it worries me, like OP forgot people respond differently to emotions. maybe instead of asking why why why, tall to them and help them instead of making fun of someones clothes. not to mention you thinking this is specifically tumblr and horribly turning these people into nameless socialmedia users like thats all they are, amd all they do, tumblr. notthinking of other places this behavior could have stemmed from, just because a person posted a text image that youcan find on literally every socialmedia ever

this thread is incredibly detached and it worries me, like OP forgot people respond differently to emotions. maybe instead of asking why why why, tall to them and help them instead of making fun of someones clothes. not to mention you thinking this is specifically tumblr and horribly turning these people into nameless socialmedia users like thats all they are, amd all they do, tumblr. notthinking of other places this behavior could have stemmed from, just because a person posted a text image that youcan find on literally every socialmedia ever
The issue here is that, from what I have seen, it all comes from tumblr and some of it also comes from instagram as well. The primary issue I am trying to argue against is that these people are spreading their misery like it's a really good thing to be proud of. I understand that people respond differently to emotions and I addressed that in the OP, however, the same people that do this refuse to speak to anyone about it and go on about "No one can help me, I am my own demon" or something as edgy as that. There is also evidence of this:

I have tried speaking to friends that I know that are all depressive like this, and you know what they say? they either tell me to forget off or they don't want to talk to anyone about it. There are only a few people I know that have spoken to me about it but some others are just in a state of mind where they feel as if they have nothing to lose. Instead of looking at these self-loathing images, they need to seek help

everyone remember the blockland user called tumblr

he was ok

Tumblr is like heroin. It's just not healthy.

i think to some end this is a problem, though largely i think tumblr communities' positivity and understanding of mental illness is helpful. historically, mental illness has been incredibly stigmatized and misunderstood, and it's great if people can unlearn that and come to grips with their problems so they can actually find ways to cope and recover. i think there are certainly people that fail to take it seriously, but the rhetoric and environment, i find, is leaps and bounds ahead of society at large on average, and that's great. i've seen far more people posting about genuinely helpful information than just sadposting, and the people who are sadposting are typically doing it as a signal. i don't agree with the concept of that kinda stuff because i think it's counterproductive to recovery to intentionally expose yourself to and engage with negativity, but maybe some people get something i don't out of it.

tumblr sucks BUTT haha

Tumblr in general - The rant part III
