Author Topic: Film Ratings are complete bullstuff  (Read 1115 times)

the problem with the ratings system is that directors and producers will neuter their own product in order to turn it from a decent R movie into a gimped PG-13 movie just so they can attempt to draw in more people

there's no consistency and the rules that are there are as confusing as forget

there's no consistency

the loving film industry in a nutshell lmfao

the reason ratings are so stuffty is because they're kind of a way to browbeat studios and producers into neutering adult content, that's why the whole thing about deadpool being a highly profitable R rated movie was a big deal because there was this industry myth that adult/R rated themes couldn't sell to a broader audience

a funnier thing to look at is how total drama island is pg

a funnier thing to look at is how total drama island is pg

That's easy to explain, the show's canadian. Canada's ratings are super lax

age ratings for content in general is a bit dumb imo. like im able to play m rated games or watch an r rated movie completely fine, but im basically required to lie about my age / bring an adult with me to get something with those ratings even though i have more than enough maturity to handle the content