Author Topic: Plants vs Zombies front yard, with events  (Read 2417 times)

Been a little while since I've posted and even PLAYED blockland, but I figured I would hop on with a friend and play a little bit, of course ended up having a lot of fun. Anywho, managed to build a simple version of the yard from Plants vs Zombies, specifically the one from PVZ 2. I've been working on getting sort of a planting system implimented but right now its kinda iffy. It works, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't "function" Plants don't do anything, they just kinda show up.

Enough talking, here's some pictures.

Here is the comparison

Video should be up soon, showing off the "planting" system. Link will be here ->

Let me hear what you guys think, and any ideas of how I could get these plants functioning.

cool stuff. would probably require a script for best effect, but you can likely get something working with just events

as a plant i automatically approve
but rly that's pretty freakin neat so far :o

as a plant i automatically approve
but rly that's pretty freakin neat so far :o

cool stuff. would probably require a script for best effect, but you can likely get something working with just events

Thank you both! I'm definitely going to keep the work up on it, I'll try to post some of the events sometime today maybe. I agree Conan, a script would definitely make my life easier for this, as of now, I don't know much about that, so unless someone else wants to, I'll keep trying my luck with VCE and other stuff.

very epic :))))))))))

liking what I see, the proof-of-concept is there, but the extra mile would be Plants Vs. Zombies player-types that attack and work just like the game.  I'd be instantly sold if that was incorporated.