Author Topic: [Map] CS_Nuke  (Read 3170 times)

Datiel already ported this map a while back:

I kept getting caught on the walls due to bad collision and I wanted to use this map for a deathmatch.  So I redid the collision and fixed some issues with the visual mesh.
This took about 10 days to finish. That includes a 3 day break to clear my head after finishing the collision.



its cool but... again, why cant it be modter? it would look virtually the same and also you'd be able to make and edit it with ease. all of these terrain maps are interesting but contrived nonetheless. they all have basically the exact same detail and scope that could be accomplished using modter bricks with the same ugly 2002-esque textures. it feels like these maps exist 'just cause' with no other actual reason. they took longer to make and are more of a pain in the ass to use 'just cause' and are entirely less practical than bricks

im sure a bunch of you friend b4v21 vampires are gonna hop on my richard or accuse me of undermining the quality of this add-on but apparently nobody has the loving balls to state the absolute obvious. all this terrain stuff is gratuitous. my argument is even more valid because literally all of the 3-4 map makers in this entire community only make low poly maps with classic textures. if it was some majestic high poly rendition of valhalla then maybe it would be understandable why you'd want to use terrain. but its not. its literally loving boxes

man just use modter.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 01:28:01 PM by thegoodperry »

There's a lot of shapes, details, and textures that you wouldn't normally be able to do with modter, especially since you'd have to abide by the grid, so you'd have to make some adjustments here and there

Speaking as someone who recreated a map in a 3D modelling program, and then recreated that using modter and various other bricks, i still much prefer the map version, it looks cleaner, and nicer

I hate how static maps take up dozens and dozens of datablocks and adds a lot of DTS files to download, but i'm not gonna stop someone from doing what they want and how they want to

For me modter does not fill a map-making role very well.  It has issues with floating bricks, texture selection, ghosting lag, grid lock, and scale.  I've dealt with most of these issues in the past.  But, to fix the issue with scale I was using static shapes to get past the size limit of bricks.  And at that point I asked myself why I wasn't just using static shapes for the entire thing.

Bricks are an excellent way to create content in a multiplayer setting.  But If I'm going to be making a scene by myself, using a modeling program is just a way better option.

hmm i never thought about it that way

this stuff is top notch!

its cool but... again, why cant it be modter? it would look virtually the same and also you'd be able to make and edit it with ease. all of these terrain maps are interesting but contrived nonetheless. they all have basically the exact same detail and scope that could be accomplished using modter bricks with the same ugly 2002-esque textures. it feels like these maps exist 'just cause' with no other actual reason. they took longer to make and are more of a pain in the ass to use 'just cause' and are entirely less practical than bricks

im sure a bunch of you friend b4v21 vampires are gonna hop on my richard or accuse me of undermining the quality of this add-on but apparently nobody has the loving balls to state the absolute obvious. all this terrain stuff is gratuitous. my argument is even more valid because literally all of the 3-4 map makers in this entire community only make low poly maps with classic textures. if it was some majestic high poly rendition of valhalla then maybe it would be understandable why you'd want to use terrain. but its not. its literally loving boxes

man just use modter.

I'd make more higher poly maps if the game didn't look like dogstuff when I do. And even then, I don't think torques limits will allow it.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 08:09:36 PM by Datiel12 ² »