Author Topic: badspot make v22  (Read 4964 times)

Actually I would say modter has more soul than terrain

Making terrain maps all I had to so is make some bumps or whatever, nothing special. I could whip out a stuffty terrain map in seconds. Also you couldn't make proper caves or anything like that.

But with modter I am able to place terrain brick by brick which allows  me to put in far greater detail.

if maps were added back we would still have slate maps so its not like anything would change

dude are your so dumb the bricks cant make terrain like the slopes because the pointyness of the bricks isnt round and stuff

dude are your so dumb the bricks cant make terrain like the slopes because the pointyness of the bricks isnt round and stuff


Vehicles in general are loving garbage in this game.

The fact bricks are pointy doesn't matter because the stuffty vehicle physics is what is loving everything up.

the shadows themselves look pretty bad, but the lighting/shaders/atmosphere/customizable environments are pretty nice. honestly i don't care about the jagged shadow edges, and i appreciate the features as they are now---i mean remember back to map days when you had to make a totally new map just to change the parameters? like snowing/time of day/etc.

there is something i miss about maps though. they were a super-efficient way to have a huge detailed space, people tend to say they were stufftily designed/whatever but even those HUGE full house maps with tons of detail ran ok for me on a crappy laptop. i think removing maps, ultimately, was a huge kick in the face to blockland. some features are trade-off, and some are better, but the accessibility of loading a map and launching a server can't be matched by modter

i remember being able to make simple little deathmatches on the bedroom. that made it easier for me since i didn't have to build much, and the people who joined wouldn't have to learn the whereabouts of the areas of the map since everyone knew how the bedroom worked.

call that lazy if you want, but it brought myself and many others great amounts of fun and at the end of the day fun is the point of games.

its ok i make giant maps nobody can run ill save u all people
ok i leave lol

TBM was at war with badspot over change and TBM is dead now.