Author Topic: [minythread] Do you guys still buy lootcrates?  (Read 768 times)

Do you buy from lootcrate? Far too often I buy a lootcrate based on 1 brand name and all I get is a stupid pop figure which I don't even collect.

It should be a given to not buy from mystery boxes to begin with.

My brother got a few, but they never had anything good in em. We've gotten more use out of their top-teir boxes than anything that came in it.
It's certainly not worth it unless you somehow love everything thats currently popular.

I got some weird spinoff lootcrate called a dorkcube but when I opened it all that was inside the box was blood

I got some weird spinoff lootcrate called a dorkcube but when I opened it all that was inside the box was king tony cus he's a dork

got a cool krampus one

I’ve never bought a lootcrate and I really don’t get it at all

I’ve never bought a lootcrate and I really don’t get it at all
it's nice sometimes

No I don't gamble very often

I’ve never bought a lootcrate and I really don’t get it at all

waste of money for a 0.1% chance of getting something above average

I'd rather play slots at a Casino

No, but a friend told me that one of his friends bought $40 worth of crates in destiny 2 just to get a hockey emote since he forgetin loved hockey

week later and it was on the ingame store

i used to buy tf2 keys with christmas/birthday money but then i lost interest in the game

Loot crates are a form of gambling.