Author Topic: Can't watch livestreams in steam ingame web browser suddenly  (Read 1918 times)


been watching twitch streams in the steam ingame web browser for like a year now, but this week for some reason it stopped working. It isn't consistent either. Sometimes the tab just goes black, along with any other tab i have open (such as friend list). I can still hear the stream and click buttons, but the tab itself is black. Other times it won't go black, but the stream will say, "This video is either unavailable or not supported in this browser (ERROR #4000)".

I've tried googling "steam web browser black screen" to no avail. All offered solutions (clear web cash/cookies, redownload flash, etc) have not worked. I googled the error message it sometimes gives me, but google brings up nothing related to steam. Eventually uninstalled and reinstalled steam, which also didn't work. Don't know what else to do at this point. Also tried updating a driver from geforce experience which made no difference.

EDIT: its all videos, youtube, twitch, etc. Everything
Nvm, still just livestreams. Youtube works now after installing adobe flash for mozilla firefox and google chrome. Also disabled "enable gpu accelerated rendering in web views" and "enable hardware video decoding"
« Last Edit: April 21, 2019, 01:55:17 AM by Blockomaniac »

that must be frustrating. i would be pretty steamed about that too

tried picarto ad a youtube livestream too, which were also not working. I guess its just streams in general?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2019, 03:06:50 AM by Blockomaniac »