Author Topic: News:Senator Josh Hawley to introduce bill banning predatory Microtransactions  (Read 1972 times)

imagine lacking the restraint to not waste money on imaginary cosmetics and instead having the government waste money doing it for you

spending any sum of money on a payout less than 1:1 is objectively a waste and literally every human on Earth should know this by now

imagine lacking the restraint to not waste money on imaginary cosmetics and instead having the government waste money doing it for you
imagine thinking people are 100% rational actors and are not influenced at all by addictions or psychological circumstance

imagine thinking people are 100% rational actors and are not influenced at all by addictions or psychological circumstance
it's the consumers job to judge what is worth their money and not. If they want to waste money on a lottery then let them

This is like the big gulp ban or weed scheduling, or prohibition. Just let people forget themselves over, it's their money

Good on this dude, vote red. Can’t wait for master handicap and the liberal morons of the forums to derail the thread though :(
Wow, rude.

it's the consumers job to judge what is worth their money and not. If they want to waste money on a lottery then let them

This is like the big gulp ban or weed scheduling, or prohibition. Just let people forget themselves over, it's their money
I mean generally I agree, it’s more that it’s predatory in nature and targets children. As you see on this forum every day, children are N O T rational actors. I think the senator is arguing that this is the video game equivalent of cig adds directed at kids

me too and ive always considered bringing a poleaxe and a steel buckler or something incase he has a shank
Unova. I have a concealed carry license. Bad idea

Unova. I have a concealed carry license. Bad idea
1v1 him irl and livestream it

I mean generally I agree, it’s more that it’s predatory in nature and targets children. As you see on this forum every day, children are N O T rational actors. I think the senator is arguing that this is the video game equivalent of cig adds directed at kids
people make stuffty toys and games marketed to children all the time. they obviously can't think rationally but it's not their money, it's the parents. If the child steals their parents money to buy lootcrates then that should be between the parent and the child, not the government and the service

people make stuffty toys and games marketed to children all the time. they obviously can't think rationally but it's not their money, it's the parents. If the child steals their parents money to buy lootcrates then that should be between the parent and the child, not the government and the service
aight lets remove the tax on cigarettes and soda so uneducated people have no reason to not buy into these vices even though as more responsible and educated people we know that we should discourage them from spending their money on things that can hurt them from improving their quality of life

I’d love if you did. I’ve got my CCL :)
woah why u threatening me wtf

imagine lacking the restraint to not waste money on imaginary cosmetics and instead having the government waste money doing it for you

spending any sum of money on a payout less than 1:1 is objectively a waste and literally every human on Earth should know this by now

you don't even have the restraint to keep yourself from posting bad bait on this forum, how can you make this argument?

you dont need to vote red for this to become a thing, and definitely not on just one senator.
if that really is the case then that's pathetic politics and I feel bad for how little power your "choices" have
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 07:27:07 AM by sleep »

finally, a bill all of us gamers can relate on.