Author Topic: Still-active hosting services?  (Read 1403 times)

I'm looking to host a server but my internet sucks richard. Are any hosting services still online as of right now? Glass went offline a few months ago so I'm pretty out of the loop.

no, but a number of us semi-active hosts are willing to help/teach you how to set up on a linux vps, such as those provided by digitalocean or google cloud compute. you can most easily get this sort of help in the blockland content creator discord (google it or dm me for a link)

its pretty easy but requires a bit of installation (a file transfer client, some linux package installation), but can be done within a few hours.

Best part: You do not need to pay an additional fee for licenses and linus is smaller than Windows (more disk and ram space!). Easily pay for something like Vultr/NFO for a low price instead of paying an extra $7-14 for a Windows license.

i want an os called asbest