Author Topic: [news] Logdotzip... another popular Minecraft YouTuber making clickbait.  (Read 1500 times)

This thread is about Logdotzip, a Minecraft YouTuber who recently started doing clickbait videos. Most of his videos are way longer then they should be, and also even sometimes he just rambles on about something not related to the video title at all or just keeps repeating clips and lines. Most of his 10-15 minute videos most likely always has less then 6 ads because he thinks with 4 or 5 ads he will prove a point that he is not a clickbaiter. There is a herobrine video he made even though it's already proven that herobrine is not even in the game files at all.
Sure the attachment showing the ads has about 3 but there was one before the video.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 05:07:43 PM by keaton »


you mean to tell me a minecraft youtuber isn't uploading quality content?

you mean to tell me a minecraft youtuber isn't uploading quality content?
no just saying that another youtuber has gone to the bait side

his 1.14 update summary video was recommended to me a few weeks ago and i watched the whole thing. his voice is annoying but somehow endearing. it makes me think of a cross between Jack Black and Rakan?