Author Topic: INTERNET MACHINE BROKE  (Read 674 times)

cloudflare eats stuff and takes half the internet with it
this is why it's bad to rely on web services companies because they're a central weak point just asking to be attacked. this is a large problem for us american citizens and extremely online™ folk because it allows our way of life to be easily disrupted by angry state-sponsored chinese hackers and unsavory runescape trainer .exe peddlers with a grudge against honest upstanding runescape gamers

forget cloudflare, forget aws, forget azure

(this post was brought to you by decentralization gang)

this isnt the first time cloudflare has stuff itself either, earlier this month they had an outage that took down discord for multiple hours

Nah man, it's okay. We need to put all the internet onto one giant server, it'll be okay I promise. /s

oh so thats why the forums when down for a bit

forget cloudflare tbh

I believe there are pros and cons to any solution you go with. Nobody that takes web development seriously routes all their website's DNS traffic through CloudFlare, AWS CloudFront, etc. without also understanding the risks of those services going down and taking their site down with it.

Personally, I choose to cache all my websites on CloudFlare due to the increased speed it gives my visitors and the decreased loads on my own servers. That said, my websites are not vital enough that I would care if CloudFlare went down for a day. It happens. The speed and load benefits greatly outweigh the risk of failure for me.

Other companies roll their own CDN because they need to be sure that if their CDN goes down, they have all the power to fix it. It's just whatever floats your boat. There's no silver bullet to any of this. Even if CloudFlare going down takes down "half the internet" with it, usually the most popular websites have their own solutions, and the 50% that is inaccessible may only affect 20% of people. For example, Netflix alone takes up 15% of all internet traffic. They have their own CDN and wouldn't go down when CloudFlare does. :D