Author Topic: what happened to cargon  (Read 1230 times)

last seen: continuing binding of isaac: rebirth

what happen to figure???????????????????????????

he's been cargone for a long time hasn't he

heyo not dead
someone got in my ear about this post so i figured i'd blow the dust off this account and let you know because dissappearing into thin air is mad lame trust me i've been doing it since i was 16 and it sucks

long story short: blf got lost in the shuffle more or less

short stort long? Stepdad turned out to be a stuffhead. Had to move, lot of moving parts came with that what with trying to pick what to throw away and what to keep, what parent to stay with at the time, dealing with the not so great feeling of losing a second father figure (ouch) and in all the hubbub BLF kind of got lost in the shuffle. Plus the computer that had my password autosaved and the website bookmarked kicked the bucket so I didn't have BLF looking at me every time I logged into whatever. Plus I was getting into high school around that time so things started to mix around pretty quick.

I mean I've still been around so to speak just not in the community. I keep up with some of y'all (you know who you are) and that's just fine. It was trippy logging back in here though. Weird memories, lot of them good. Miss a couple of you guys from time to time and guess I didn't know it until I saw the usernames. Still love that avatar Electrk. Was kind of trippy coming back here after four odd years of forgetting you guys were even around.

So yeah that's it basically. Probably gonna be the last you hear from me on BLF so happy trails y'all. Might kick around if anyone wanted to get in my ear about anything but that's about it
« Last Edit: September 03, 2019, 01:49:20 AM by Cargøn »

wow not even a hug and kiss. loser.

gl to u too dude, even though we dont know each other. we'll always be around in one form or another if you ever want to nostalgia trip.

Bomberguy has the power to just mention dead users and then they pop out to say hi

damn what a blast from the past. good luck to you man!

the question is, did you finally finish that binding of isaac: rebirth continue?

He was black and so he died. :)                                        :(