Author Topic: Nostalgia Critic Reviews Pink Floyd's The Wall  (Read 2384 times)

« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 03:38:25 AM by cblock360 »

Never in my life did I cringed so hard. Nostalgia Critic really has lost it's touch hasn't it.

why does doug walker not have eyebrows, baldness doesnt effect the eyebrows, and he has a full goatee, he looks so weird

didn't expect corey to show up along with his son

Never in my life did I cringed so hard. Nostalgia Critic really has lost it's touch hasn't it.

has he lost his touch or have you grown up and grown out of him, i used to watch him when i was 12 and thought he was hilarious but when i went back a couple months ago even the old stuff is kinda crap

has he lost his touch or have you grown up and grown out of him, i used to watch him when i was 12 and thought he was hilarious but when i went back a couple months ago even the old stuff is kinda crap

Lost his touch I enjoy the old reviews of his. I just don't like this whole shtick he's using which is instead of reviewing it he just has his crew reenact the entire movie itself and place the humor there which doesn't work in my opinion. Then again I haven't watch his older video for a while so I'll take a watch later.

Is anybody out there.

Actually after trying to watch that all I have to say is,
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 07:13:15 AM by Black and White »

i laughed the entire way through the creatures just singing at critic

my throat hurts

It's not an actual review (It's just a recreation of the movie), it's not a love letter (The video constantly makes fun of the movie), and lastly, it's super dumb. The movement of the CG characters looks horrendous, as they have wayyyy too much energy. Plus it doesn't blend in too well with the Critic himself, as he's recorded in 30 fps while the characters are recorded in 24. Fennek should have used their talent for something better, not for a joke of a youtuber.

Bumping thread, just an update.

Since the video's release, People have went after Doug for trashing said movie.

(there's probably more but it's the first videos that came up on the results page.)
On the video itself however, the dislikes had skyrocketed and is currently tied with the likes ratio. I'm pretty sure this will tip over within the next few days.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 03:58:29 PM by gameboy19 »