Author Topic: Thoughts on games exclusive to certain platforms?  (Read 1199 times)


I've recently completed Uncharted 1-3, and the thought of them being stuck to the PS3 consoles (or PS4 if you have the ndc) was a bit of an intriguing topic to me, so I'm just putting it here

I'm fine with exclusives, but timed exclusives are kinda lame, like, if you're gonna release your game to other platforms, but are holding it hostage for a while just for your own platform's gain, that's lame

If you just cut out the middle man and release the game on multiple platforms like you're going to anyway, you'll likely be making even somewhat more money (depending on how the money is split between companies) that way than just keeping a game to yourself for a while just to promote your own platform, because there will be more options for your consumers
« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 10:02:30 PM by Masterlegodude »

I'm fine with exclusives, but timed exclusives are kinda lame, like, if you're gonna release your game to other platforms, but are holding it hostage for a while just for your own platform's gain, that's lame

If you just cut out the middle man and release the game on multiple platforms like you're going to anyway, you'll likely be making even somewhat more money (depending on how the money is split between companies) that way than just keeping a game to yourself for a while just to promote your own platform, because there will be more options for your consumers
That's a common misconception. Video game companies, as well as publishers do not care about making money, their priority is pleasing me. I advise the next time you consider making a post like this, do your research.

For the companies, it makes sense. They want to milk the most money out of it, so they take certain exclusivity deals (see: epic games store exclusive games) or just space them out so much with a couple of small improvements for each platform that they can sell the people the game multiple times (see: GTA V).
For the consumers, it is bad. I think people would prefer to have the choice how to play it instead of being forced to buy it somewhere because it only releases on that platform (for a long time).

Personally i am really opposed to exclusivity deals, but can understand that some platforms will be supported later down the line due to porting reasons and the like.
But unnecessary exclusivity is just bad practice in my opinion.
I would prefer games to be on multiple platforms, so everyone can enjoy them regardless of their choice of platform. Also, i don't want to buy a console that gets obsolete within a year or two.

If it requires a feature only that platform has or is too demanding to run on consoles, then yes.