Author Topic: resonte is finally almost on page 1 top posts  (Read 1079 times)

i finally ousted nal from his position as top of page 2 on the 'most posts' list.;sort=posts;desc;start=30

top 30, here i come

share your forum ranking... i'm 31 now


i would be 17th on the first page between maxwell and ipquarx had i not been banned so many times lol

about 26k posts across all electrk accounts
« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 10:30:21 AM by Electrk.. »

How am i #1 on this list when i should be #2 like on the forums stats page? Why isn't Night Fox there?

How am i #1 on this list when i should be #2 like on the forums stats page? Why isn't Night Fox there?
some permad accounts are gone

some permad accounts are gone

nothing of value is lost

how am i #18 lol
well if you stopped private messaging drydess cake research

yeah thats cool and all but im on page 43, ballin' with kompressor

300 more posts and i can beat out carolcat... watch me