Author Topic: february: cold or warm?  (Read 1246 times)

around these parts in february, the weather generally fluctuates between cold as richard and warm as cunt. do you prefer a warm February or a cold one?

always ridiculously cold in canada

only gets warm around may

around these parts in february, the weather generally fluctuates between cold as richard and warm as cunt. do you prefer a warm February or a cold one?

same here. i can say this is the first time it's rained in ohio in the middle of feb that i can remember though. this winter has been a very mild one compared to what i'm used to

I prefer cold but you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you just might- *ahem*

yea it's heater one day and air-conditioning that night weather here, it's almost as indecisive as me.

people who like cold weather are psychopaths with dry skin

if its cold then it better snow. if not then i want warm

people who like cold weather are psychopaths with dry skin

Or they live in a generally hot climate and want to wear some of their sweaters and jackets, besides do you have any idea how much faster bodies bloat in the heat?

i love the cold, preferably between 45-60 F degrees but down to 30 F is fine

warm, its so rainy and cold in georgia right now, it has not stopped raining

it stays type brick in ny