Author Topic: Pentester (255908) - Lagging the server  (Read 2346 times)

Every time he said "za warudo" and sometimes when he died, the server would lag. It's obvious it's not a coincidence, but not surprising since one of his last used names was "celau"

video doesnt work; channel terminated

This dude joined a grapple knife and my internet went from 0 lag to me being unable to connect to my own network. forget him. Will post screenshots later

I always do a Ctrl + N whenever I join grapple knife to see what i'm dealing with. Latency was 60. Attack only lasted a few minutes.

People being timed out

This person was floating in midair, indicating he was timing out as well. Unaffected users were Pentester and Ekaj

if it is celau don't be surprised

He seems like the kind of person who's into rooster and ball torture.

Yeah no god damn clue what happened to the channel, added a number but now it's "closed" with no warning, but thanks for the pics Unova.

seems ridiculous to me that people waste their time to ruin this game and wonder why they get banned

seems ridiculous to me that people waste their time to ruin this game and wonder why they get banned
They just don't want to go down without a fight