Author Topic: I see nothing wrong with cannibalism  (Read 1981 times)

human meat should be acquired through a legal waiver, like an organ donor signup sheet. something you sign before you die that says certain parts of your body can be used for culinary purposes, with all the profits from your meat being assigned to next of kin or other people in your will.

Is it true that when you eat a person, you also gain their abilities?

human meat should be acquired through a legal waiver, like an organ donor signup sheet. something you sign before you die that says certain parts of your body can be used for culinary purposes, with all the profits from your meat being assigned to next of kin or other people in your will.
pretty sure there are better uses for a dead body than giving someone a prion

great idea, but I assume any normalcy of consumption regarding human meat will only generate a black market. Already there are black markets for organs and organ donors and the last thing we want is more of them for meat of all things.