Author Topic: Obviously avoid any posts from this account.  (Read 6007 times)

This account has been compromised, if Badspot can ban it has a precaution please do. I'm not sure changing the password will help much at this point.

I was surprised he didn't ban you, you've been blessed don't throw it away.

I was surprised he didn't ban you, you've been blessed don't throw it away.
too late I broke the golden rule by asking to be banned

but yeah there was some nasty virus posted that stayed up for a couple days
I don't use this account and don't know how it happened/if it will happen again

Just change your password to something you don't use elsewhere

nooooo more clicking vr furry love ads

How tf u think badspot gonna ban u if u didnt ban u after havin virus links on all ya , posts for a week ?  :cookieMonster: :cookie: