Author Topic: A few questions about blockland.  (Read 2116 times)

1. How many servers/players are usually online?
2. I have a really old version (a year and a half, I think) of Return to Blockland, will that do the same stuff as the new blockland?
3. Does the version of RTB that I have do mods and maps, like bombs and weapons?
4. Do I have to pay each time a new version comes out?
5. What is the difference between RTB and Blockland?
6. Is it worth the $20?

1. How many servers/players are usually online?
At the time of this writing, there are 65 servers and 215 people playing. That's probably a decent average, but new people are joining daily, and I play with people who have been around from the start, so players don't quit often. I'll always find a server to join, or start my own and have friends join it.

2. I have a really old version (a year and a half, I think) of Return to Blockland, will that do the same stuff as the new blockland?
3. Does the version of RTB that I have do mods and maps, like bombs and weapons?
5. What is the difference between RTB and Blockland?
RTB did have a lot of neat stuff, mainly because Lego hadn't caught onto it, and it wasn't commercial. So, people could go wild and release anything they wanted. However, retail brings things into a much better package. In my opinion, the interface and tools are far better, and new tools are released fairly often from players wanting a bit more. The brick variety is smaller, but it's still a great selection. There are tons of addons, maps, decals and all sorts on retail and most importantly, it's the main version, so more people build more things. Things can only get better for retail, where as RTB stays the same.

4. Do I have to pay each time a new version comes out?
No, one time payment.

6. Is it worth the $20?
Yes, it's not much, and although I don't play daily, the mature side of the community and the sheer limitless possibilities are well worth the money.

1. Maybe 15-60, really depends on the time of day.
2. Retail Blockland does much more, crashes less, and is overall more polished.
3. Um, it can, but most retail mods won't work with it.
4. No.
5. RTB is a mod for v002 of Blockland, a prototype. Blockland is the finished product which costs money.
6. Most definitely, especially if you have a creative mind.

Thanks everyone, bought the game and love it.

Good choice. I hope you enjoy your stay. People are finding new innovative ways of playing every day, so it's pretty hard to get bored unless you stick to one server and don't try new addons. :)

Yeah, I was coming along nicely with the RTB mod, now with all this custom content, customization, and all the building possibilities, I honestly don't see how this isn't close to the best $20 I've ever spent.

its fun really... new stuff everyday! (now all I need is to port foward...)  :cookieMonster:

I bought Blockland on the day of release and still dont know all the tricks! Hope to see you in game :)


Lol, I know a lot of tricks :D but my favorite Blockland glitch of all time was in v0002 with the TeleMover.
Blockland is pwn and worth every millipenny.

its easy to script... ( or is it?)
it is fun
you meet new friends
its WAAAY to east to build
its fun....

its WAAAY to east to build

I have to admit, I do like building to the west a bit more.

The fun thing with blockland is that even if you don't feel up to building, you can still hang out with other people and just chat.

The fun thing with blockland is that even if you don't feel up to building, you can still hang out with other people and just chat.

Then later when you feel like building get together and build a giant pen-

err... house.