Author Topic: ITT(IN THIS THREAD): Tell me something interesting about yourself  (Read 3714 times)

I get weird cyst-like growths on my elbows almost yearly, they're officially called "Molluskoid Pseudo-Tumors" but aren't related to cancer at all. They're a result of my body not being able to properly break down collagen and elastin, so when micro-injuries occur in my elbows (by bumping them or scraping them, like what happens to anyone) then it will instead be expelled through my flesh in unsightly, painful, and often pus-filled growths that can reach almost an inch in diameter before bursting on its own, leaving a cavern-like cavity in my arm that shrinks and heals and scars over the next week or so, to lie dormant until sometime next year. Because of this, I have some real ugly scars on my elbows that I'm pretty self-conscious about so I always wear long sleeves despite living in Florida where it's been 95+ degrees every day since February. Medicine or surgery can't fix it, it's just another symptom of my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a genetic defect that my doctor thinks might also be the cause of my Glaucoma, which will make me blind around 20-50 years from now.
on a lighter note, i like salted sunflower seeds

I just got a reloading press the other day so I can start making my own ammo in my spare time and hopefully be able to rope my kids into shooting sports like I do now

I'm currently covered head to toe in microplastics