Author Topic: Just checking in for the first time in many years, how are we all?  (Read 9767 times)

Hey there everyone!
I was just watching this video in an ongoing series I've been following by youtuber Redlyne yesterday, and to my surprise, Blockland made an appearance!
This led me to have a little look at the forums for old time's sake.
I've not posted in over seven years now, although Blockland definitely has crossed my mind a few times.

It's so strange for me because Blockland was such a huge part of my childhood. I first started playing in 2005 when I was only five or six years old, and now it'll be the 20th anniversary of the game in a short amount of time. Don't even get me started on Age of Time. I remember that Green Hills were some of the very first words I learnt how to spell in life because of the old map loading screen.

I was very sad to see that there's been quite a few deaths in the community in recent years of people I remember playing with often, such as GSF Ghost and Bushido.
Have there been many others that I'm not aware of, I wonder?

It's nice to see that although the community has quietened down in the past decade, there are still occasionally events/reunions of players etc.

Life has been very good to me although definitely brutal at times too.
I do sometimes still game although there isn't much time to anymore when you're in your mid-twenties. I'll have to give Blockland a play over the coming days!

I hope you have all been well, give me updates and check-ins!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 09:17:59 PM by {L} »

i'd been watching that same series and thinking, "lmao what if blockland showed up" and when it did i felt like i was shifting realities.

anyways 30% of the users turned out to be child enthusiasts, 30% fell down the alt-right pipeline and became fascists, 30% did effectively the exact opposite of that, and 10% just kinda still exist

i'd been watching that same series and thinking, "lmao what if blockland showed up" and when it did i felt like i was shifting realities.

anyways 30% of the users turned out to be child enthusiasts, 30% fell down the alt-right pipeline and became fascists, 30% did effectively the exact opposite of that, and 10% just kinda still exist
part of that 10% here, yeah its been a bit of ride
anyways we're still out there - i think people just ended up splintering off into discord friend groups once things here died down (i certainly did lol). i started playing blockland when i was 8 (the demo, got my key at 10) and it was a huge part of my life for over 10 years, had a lot of fun although being a naive young kid on the forums was quite the mistake in hindsight

There have been a few check-in threads the past couple of years; it's still crazy to me that my professional career started with a couple offline html saves of KINEX's torque script tutorials on the scattered space forums at a labor day party I brought a laptop to as a kid. Whatever the opposite is of falling down the alt-right pipeline--I hope I'm in that 30%?

Whatever the opposite is of falling down the alt-right pipeline--I hope I'm in that 30%?
transgender anarcho communist?

transgender anarcho communist?

Alternatively, you could fall down the alt-right pipeline and then end up here.

Alternatively, you could fall down the alt-right pipeline and then end up here.
To be fair, my early days on this forum i was a hardcore "socially liberal, economically conservative, anti-feminist" libertarian.
Then I actually studied economics and political science in university (even under an adamantly conservative "competative-federalism" supporting professor), and came out anarcho-syndicalist communist.
Not trans though, but I do appreciate the occasional they/them for the affirmation of non-restrictive gender performance.

Man watching this video makes me want to throw out a video about Blockland Today, just give an actual summary of what is going on and where everyone went. I've noticed a few Blockland videos showing up showcasing how dead the game is. maybe it's time for another grand ole video lmaoo.

other than that, i'm doing alright. we all still vibing here.

Had a friend as about an old save I dug out of an old hard drive. Poked in to see what was new with the forums and surprise to see so many faces still around here honestly. I rarely if ever interacted here, both glad I didn't but also wished I had.

I'm doing really well, moved out, own a house, gonna get married (eventually).

the only thing that happens is another person coming back after 'many years' and making a topic, to which we all lament this forum's deadness

transgender anarcho communist?
there's quite a lot of trans here. dunno what is it about this forum

there's quite a lot of trans here. dunno what is it about this forum
the block game to gender change pipeline

the only thing that happens is another person coming back after 'many years' and making a topic, to which we all lament this forum's deadness
there's quite a lot of trans here. dunno what is it about this forum
its so easy in game