Author Topic: Drones Over New Jersey  (Read 1390 times)

So people have been seeing these drones the size of SUVs for weeks now, and its finally making national headlines.

A NJ congressman said they came from an Iranian carrier off the coast, but the pentagon said that wasnt true.

Some people are saying they are aliens, some are saying they are the US government trying to desensitize us to drone-based surveillence, and some saying its Russia, China, or Iran.

You know it seems like every year THE MEDIA pulls some stunt where they try to convince us aliens are real for some reason and I can't help but wonder if this is part of something like that? Like remember when they leaked those UFO documents a while back and no one cared because the documents basically just said "one time an airforce guy saw something and we tried to figure out what it was but we couldn't"? And then there was that former israeli security chief that straight up told people there's a Galactic Federation in 2020? I mean sure, that guy probably had dementia, but it feels like lately there's this effort to make people think the aliens might be coming even though they most certainly are not and I'm not sure what possible reason there would be to do that. Seems like an absolutely batstuff thing to do just as "a distraction." Idk I don't know anything about politics I'm just paranoid and stupid

Not to mention that security breifing in front of congress earlier this year where the pentagon was all
"Yeah so there are aliens but they aren't actually aliens but instead live in our oceans and predate us by several million years, and we recovered humanoid bodies from collected crafts but we cant actually show you any pictures of the bodies due to security reasons so just trust us bro"

there's this effort to make people think the aliens might be coming even though they most certainly are not and I'm not sure what possible reason there would be to do that. Seems like an absolutely batstuff thing to do just as "a distraction." Idk I don't know anything about politics I'm just paranoid and stupid

fake alien invasion has had a ton predictive programming through movies, tv, and other media hype such as this in more recent years. it could easily be a way to control the masses - if the whole covid ordeal was any indication of how far these people are willing to go to gain total control over the population, a move like this is right up their alley

Quote Ryan McBeth did a video on it. Basically he sums it up as it's probably some kind of Military exercise. I personally think it's a mixture of a whole lot of things: UAV training, testing the public for reaction, testing our own military for their reaction and seeing how information spreads through the internet.

If it is a military exercise pretty sure nothing illegal has been done except restricted airspace and well, that's probably not illegal for the military. Flying UAVs all over the place isn't really illegal. This is also a great and very long video (2 hours) about UAVs in general in the USA, everyone is under oath so you know it should be true. Overall pretty interesting.
Taking my post from reddit. Personally I have yet to see any photos or videos that look like anything other than a plane. I think the things people are seeing are planes/stars/planets/etc

I do think there are some legit UAV sightings though.

Taking my post from reddit. Personally I have yet to see any photos or videos that look like anything other than a plane. I think the things people are seeing are planes/stars/planets/etc

I do think there are some legit UAV sightings though.
This makes the most sense out of anything.

My mom is now convinced it is actually aliens lol