Author Topic: Guild Wars  (Read 2246 times)

This thread was bound to happen. I already searched, no other GW topic in this forum.

I'm interested in this, mainly because it's a one-time payment, not monthly fees. Can anyone tell me the good, cool stuff about this? I know it's got the "stream as you play" so the world changes around you while you play instead of using patches, and the basic professions, but tell me. What other stuff is cool in it?

You have your own personal dungeons, no ks'ers. I don't like the battle style, although it is much quicker than most grinders. The level cap is 20 because the game prefers to focus on skill, rather than ours grinding.

I have it but I rarely play because point and click is boring. snore.

I have it but I rarely play because point and click is boring. snore.

...You can move with Keys.

Im a level 20 warrior, on that game, with my own guild (Very dead) and my own Guild Hall.

when i play, i like it, because i have the best gear you can get, except for the armour, its worth the money, if you intened to get a guild and go into the big stuff.


  • Administrator
I played it during the first "E3 for everyone" weekend and had fun but in later trials it seemed to be not as fun.  I think the problem was that the later missions required 6 people instead of 4 and it's impossible to get 6 people together on the internet without one of them being a jackass. 

On a side note, I had difficulty resurrecting people when their corpse was surrounded by monsters so I said to my self "damn it in my game you're gonna be able to pick people up and carry them to safety" - hence the ability to do this in Age of Time. 

Actually that's not true, originally that feature was in my first torque project inspired by return to castle wolfenstein multiplayer.  But guild wars is what made me port it to AoT. 

I tried guild wars, and then I found this pic which pretty much sums up my experience.

I tried guild wars, and then I found this pic which pretty much sums up my experience.

Partial nudity? :D

I played this for a while, along with the expansions.  It got boring eventually, everybody would sit around and chat or dance with one another.  Two Worlds now has my interest.  One time fee for pure win.

I tried guild wars, and then I found this pic which pretty much sums up my experience.

Partial nudity? :D
Name one mmorpg where you can't see partial nudity

The one with the robots.