Author Topic: Message from Roblox  (Read 3554 times)

Reworded: there ARE intelligent people on Roblox, no matter how many idiots there are.
EDIT: (forgot to put this in lul.) Am I one? I do like to be complemented.


I dont like this message.  I know that the majority of his community probably does want to stop the raids, but what makes him be able to speak for the whole community.

probably one of the many few players that is over 11 in ROBLOX

Hums, I knew a finally good Roblox member (smart one out of the millions) would talk sense :D

But I also knew mr drama queen would get in here to say something stupid.

Hums, I knew a finally good Roblox member (smart one out of the millions) would talk sense :D

But I also knew mr drama queen would get in here to say something stupid.
And I also knew a certain idiot would say something like that, even though all I said was a username.

And I knew he'd post right after me :D And who wants to bet he will again?

And I knew he'd post right after me :D And who wants to bet he will again?

This story is happy end.

I r waiting on contact from dave i r working on stopping raid durring free tiem

work with me :(

*NickTheSushi has joined your help :D*

We, the people and players of ROBLOX, ask for a truce. Many of you dislike us, and many of us dislike you. Our game is directed for all ages, yours clearly is not. We desire no 'war' or 'fighting' between the games. Blockland is in far more developed than ROBLOX, for it has existed longer. ROBLOX is still in it's Beta stages. The two games are seperate, as different as night and day. Those who have 'raided' or 'attacked' your forums are radical individuals, and do not represent our community as a whole. We ask you not to spam our forums, and we will try to keep our own members in line. We cannot control them outside of this site however, only discourage such activities.

The community of ROBLOX

I agree D:

Those who have 'raided' or 'attacked' your forums are radical individuals, and do not represent our community as a whole.
Seems people need the important parts bolded, they just read over it thinking the whole community of admins put this together.
Lemme use an example of something similar.
Some civilian in some generic part of the USA shoots another civilian from the USA. Is it USA at whole to blame? No, just the media and the guy/girl who shot the other guy/girl, or anyone who caused pressure for him/her to do it.

Some 10 year old advertises ROBLOX and flames the game we play and us who play it. Is the whole community of ROBLOX to blame? No, just the media and the one who came here, or anyone who caused pressure for him/her to do it.

Prepost reply notification caused edit: Yes, nice 26 day bump indeed.