Shop closed

Author Topic: Shop closed  (Read 5402 times)

So did I. But point made, AoT sucks  :cookieMonster:

You are special.  I'm sure you get to ride a special bus to school and take special classes. 
He's home schooled.

well as long as people play it, it's not really "dead" yet.

Aot doesn't suck for players who have known it awhile, it is out dated and such, but addictive and still gives alot of laughs. Now you could say it sucks and i could say you're probably one of those people everyone on the server owns and like The Fury, cry and tell everyone to go die in a basement lol, then leave.
No, AoT sucks for those who get to max level in games in 1 week, or need something to grind on. Why do you think I play it?
(P.S. This is Mute , I didn't feel like making my own account.)

It wouldn't be dieing if other Blockland players like me gave it a chance :(. I just wish ppl from BS's other game would play AoT. Just once i want to play on a loaded server :(. Also if we did get updated, here would be a good place to get some ideas

I hate you for  bumping!

Sorry I couldn't get the name of the panties.
But Thongs were Cougar's thing at the time...
Well as I remember he was more of the Bitch Plack shirt, with a bright yellow/bright pink thong( I guess depending on his mood)

I hate you for  bumping!
2 month old topic.... so what? I dont bump year old topics.