Author Topic: Omg Brawl for $30!  (Read 5223 times)

Shut up, it is a great game to play with friends, or do you not have any?
What kind of insult is that Fanboy. Great game my ass, I'm so tired of mashing controller games, the last good one before it got out of hand was Mortal Kombat but even then it was that great.

This is what I think of your Great Brawl.
"I can't think of decent criticism so I'll use someone else's"
First off I meant to type wasn't but failed at correcting it. To unlock half of the decent characters in these type of game you must play for ages trying to unlock them, then once you go to a friends house you're 10x better then every one there making the game quite boring to play and no fun for every body else. Another thing I have to agree with if you randomly smashed the controller with your hands you'll probably be able to beat the game with no skill. As for "I can't think of decent criticism so I'll use someone else's" I used some one else's because its a good way to explain a point that I agree with without having to type out a page of crap, mind you Badspot does the same thing, I'm sorry if you cannot comprehend that the game you love and hug might be stuff. I really don't need to answer to a bunch of Wii Nintendo cigarettes that say the Wii isn't designed for Kids, no matter what I say you'll defend it with everything you got. But maybe you do that because you don't want to hear the truth that maybe you did buy a stuff console or you did buy a stuff game but you keep blinding yourself by saying that the game is fun the game is great.