A little story I feel like writing

Author Topic: A little story I feel like writing  (Read 1031 times)

Here we go...

He watched as the earth was destroyed. Or, more correctly, didn't. He watched as every single pin point of light, in the darkness that is night, disappear. He watched as more and more light dissipated. He watched as the lights returned. Only, they were different. The white, artificial lights were replaced by orange lights. These orange fires engulfed the entire earth.  He watched the largest armies ever constructed on the earth. He also watched each  of them fall. We watched the earth become a barren dessert, then become a flooded land. He watched atomic bombs crashing throughout the earth. He wasted this all in silence. After a while, he appeared to poke his figure out in mid-air. The destruction stopped, or froze. He watched this several times, apparently looking at something in particular. After a while, the large, floating planet in the middle of the room disappeared, and so did the man.

Every child knows of this. In the year 2200, in an unknown way, a terrorist organization gained what is called an "EMP". Now they one they acquired was an extremely large one, one capable of destroying more electronics in the United States. In the summer of 2200, they activated this some distance above Kansas. The result was devastating. Not only were %80 of all computers in the United states destroyed, but now the United states had to put the blame on someone. They discovered, quite quickly (in fact, several historians believe strangely quickly), that the bomb was produced in China. They made a larger one (this was also finished in a surprisingly quick matter), and sent it to China. China rebelled and sent their armies to the United states, who dragged Canada, Mexico, and The United Kingdom into the war. Needless to say, millions were killed. This war, at the time, was called World War III. However, it is now known as the Last War. This war spanned 57 years, in which many experimental weapons were used. This weapons killed %99 of the population, and changed the world's environment into a barren desert. However, this is all old news.

Derk has found a problem. It was not a major problem, but it was interesting. It was a problem that has not occurred for hundreds of years, and even it was very minor, it was still impossible. Allow me to point out the history that much of this story is set in. About fifty years before the starting of the Last War, a young scientist named Jeff Datos noticed something interesting. A break in at an old museum has baffled local police. The thieves broke in, at considerable work, and stole nothing. At least nothing the police could find. However, Jeff found it. He was working on a little project about EMPs, and was attempting to find the location of all large EMPs. He had tracked down many, but he had discovered where the last one was. In the recently broken into museum. Fearful, he dug through the maze that was the museum basement. He found an old log book, and discovered the EMP (one of the largest in the world) was in bay 32, near the west corner. However, when he reached there, he found nothing.

Jeff, being smart, pointed this out to as many people he could. He was, for the most part, laughed at. Who would steal an EMP? The people who listened saw his logic. Together they took over a large partical accelerator (which, through his predictions, could withstand the EMP blast), and converted it into a sort of living town. Using techniques used mostly by basement drug farmers (He was investigated by the police seven times), he was able to farm enough food for a population of about 200. He then spent the remaining time expanding the little town and attempting to get the smarter minds of his day to join. Few listened. On that fateful day in 2200, his population rose from 48 to 143. Scientists, seeing their mistake, hurried to his impromptu shelter. Many failed. However,  (g2g to sleep)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 12:45:19 AM by Digmaster »

He watched as the earth was destroyed.
Or, more correctly, didn't.
He watched as every single pin point of light, in the darkness that is night, disappear.
He watched as more and more light dissipated.
He watched as the lights returned.
Only, they were different.
The white, artificial lights were replaced by orange lights.
These orange fires engulfed the entire earth. 
He watched the largest armies ever constructed on the earth.
He also watched each  of them fall.
We watched the earth become a barren dessert, then become a flooded land.
He watched atomic bombs crashing throughout the earth.
He wasted this all in silence.
After a while, he appeared to poke his figure out in mid-air.
The destruction stopped, or froze.
He watched this several times, apparently looking at something in particular.
After a while, the large, floating planet in the middle of the room disappeared,

and so did the man.

Now it looks like some kinda poem :D


You say "he watched" too much. Use some different language.

You say "he watched" too much. Use some different language.

ouch, your right. But first, I'll write more. I like science fiction.